Abdominal Exercises
Upper Body Exercises Abdominal Exercises Lower Body Exercises
Repeat these exercises for 2-3 sets from 12-15 reps each side. Use slow progression as you become stronger.
Lie on your back keeping the soles of your feet on the floor. You can also place your hands behind your neck for stability but DO NOT PULL with your arms. Before beginning make sure your neck, back and shoulders are stabilized and tighten your abdominals throughout the exercise. Using only your abdominals lift your upper torso from the ground while breathing out, keep your chin and chest pointed towards the ceiling. Gently press your back down towards the floor, drawing your ribcage nearer to your legs. Briefly hold and squeeze at the top of the crunch, still exhaling, then lower with controlled breathing in, keeping the stomach tight, lower head and shoulders an inch or so from the floor. Try not to relax between reps unless it’s necessary. Only do as many as you can do properly at any one time, but build up gradually to help your muscles adjust to the increased workload. For example you can begin with 3 sets of 25 and increase reps and sets as it becomes easier.
In neutral floor position, slowly inhale, lift both knees towards chest and extend legs towards ceiling (point feet and stretch through legs). Keep your arms on the floor next to you. Exhale and slowly lower leg towards the floor as far as you can without arching the back by keeping the back pressed down and legs lengthened away from center. Inhale and lift legs back towards the ceiling, repeat exercise to fatigue. It’s important to keep the body stable while lengthening spine, engaging stomach and elongated away from center. Relax through neck and shoulders.
Lie on your back with your legs extended towards ceiling, with knees slightly bent. Keep your arms on the floor next to you. Rest your head on the floor, relax your shoulders and keep your back straight. Slowly lift your hips 1 to 2 inches off the floor by squeezing your lower abdominals; this will raise your legs and feet a few inches higher. Hold this position for just a moment. Squeeze your abdominal muscles and keep your head and shoulders flat against the floor. Slowly lower your hips back to the floor. Do not swing your legs to gain momentum, initiate movement from lower abs only.
*Avoid arching your back. Relaxing your abdominal muscles during the exercise will result in back extension (arching), putting tremendous strain on your back.